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Sunday, April 24, 2005

well...bLoggiNG uP agaIn...HaHaX
fOr thOse whO haVe eveR caMe to sEE my Blog...thaNks lOts...at leAst u Noe My uPdateS....

I am stiLL mE...thE saMe mE...the LaME me....the OrIginaL mE...

HMmx....i mUst admiT that I have a Lot of homeWoRk comIng up thiS wK anD a lot is realli a loT...at least in quaLity it is Much More required than secOndary...that is guaraNteeD....I aM tryIng to EnjOy Life iN JC....aND i HoPE i Had...I am hapPie enUFf tat i haV goT 2 or 3 talkablE friEnds though they aRe gurLs...wHicH is Kinda weiRd...bUt the Point is my CLass hav like onLi 2 guYS....bUt don'T worrIe....I still HavE mani frIendS that arE gUys in seCondary scHOOl...so therE is a baLancE though! hahaX....Lame riteX...?

-->I haVe deCideD thaT i ShOuld keeP my foCus all On stuDieS...anD not talK abt BGR at thIs pOinT...maBi i don haVe the coURage to Put a stEp rigHt on iT at thIs moMenT....HahAX...wenT to vOlunteer (not realli la) todAe...And seNd goOds and basIc neeDs to PeoPle who neeD 'em....i was Veri Happy tat Me and KY were lead bY a veri nice adulT volunteer Who toLd us hOw life should be and how fortunaTe we aRe...it's realli tRue that we are veri fortunatE...lolx>...tOday, I sAw the pErSon wHom i sEnd the goOds to....i Can JusT saE i wAs verI touChed la....cOx whEn we Sent thE gooDs to the laDy... i Could See She was veri stroNG whEn she was sharing with us hEr life enCounter....anD shE actuAlli criEd a bit whiLe talkIng...it is Realli veri saD....quIte upset also cOx' life is realli too CruEl anD real soMetiMes la... i wilL try My besT to gO everY monTh neXt tiME hopEfully hahaX...

OkiE...tAt's all....HahAx...veri tiRed le.....
shLd be enuff BaX...
UPdate mOre Next Wk...
tHiNking oF wHAt to type Next Wk LE..
taKe caRe!!
SmiLE alwayS

Sweet-ed <3
10:33 PM

Sunday, April 17, 2005

MoviNg on tO apRil anD sooN to May...
How DoEs it FeeL?


With tEsts anD more teSts anD moRe memOry worK comIng up thIs is a StreSs weeK...BuT mY weeKend waS a week fillEd with reUnion aTmosphere....finaLLy went oUt on FriDay with My friends who styed @ SerangooN to PasaR maLam...hahaX..souNds stopIt but tiME for Us to taLk lOTs....hahaX...wif alvin, Ky, Mw, JuDy, Hy, Py, Ly....deFinitely a niCe experienCe!

SaturdAy...waS off to SenToSa.. to mEet More PPl as In more NEW PPL like PS, MY, LL..i couldn't imagine how long i hav not seen 'em....hahaX....a month i guEsS....i still remember initially we say tat we will gO fOr amaZing race @ sentoSa but i thInk everYone is BuSy....so everyThing will be Pushed baCk to June HoLidaYs...i ReallI hOpe 1 day....sOOner or later....deCember..we will haVe another ChaLet...that WoULd be GreaT funX....

SecondarY lIfe is always fun filliNG

ThaT will Be alwayS rememBerEd....

4e1'04 roX!!

: )

till then,
: )

Sweet-ed <3
11:13 PM

Friday, April 08, 2005

I tot i could well adapt to what i was....whaT i tot i couLd....but nOt everything would seem to be in the righT tracK foR me...sadly : (
U will bE exTreMeLy saD iF:

(a) Ur verI gd frienDs aRe not aroUnd u anImore....and not for like 1 or 2 days...buT i meaN herE 2 or 3 wks...or eVen 2 or 3 mths...

(b) whEn soMe of ur ClasSmateS arE peopLe u actuAlli doN likE bUt u stiLL havE to smiLe at thEm

(c) wHen u hAve a hOrriblE PE LessOn awaiting foR u every wedneSday and friday

(d) wheN stuDy becOmes a StressFuL jOB

(e) whEn U staRt to haVe pSychologicaL battLe in youR mind

(f) whEn u ReaLise thaT evErythIng is Just NoT going Right

(g) wHen U cannoT conFiDe iN anyOne all the prOblEms from (A) to (F) as uR Veri gd frIends are either In another Class...oR not ard U...

(h) wHen everywhere arD u is sadNess...

I don't knOw hOw Long More i cAn takE it....
ImagiNe someOne sayinG worDs whiCh u doN't likE to Hear, do rePeated aCtions that u alMost cannOt takE it....everyDay....maybe....maBi...i wiLL NOT TAKE IT..........maBi.....
i don Noe...

i wisH to sTay HappY alWayS...whO dOesN't??

hahaX... (contradiction)

"All by myself" would be a gd song foR me as i walKed alOne on one afternooN aLonE foR 10 Mins....it was extrEmeli loneLy tat daY...in schOOL....everyoNe is busy>>.u see some Ppl with their JC buddies...u are wiF ya booKs....tat's all....as u walk...u feel like u are walking on a quiet alley with nO one.....i didn't tot it would be so Bad...

i will taKe cAre
till the NEXT BLOG
smile always

Sweet-ed <3
9:53 PM

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

DISorganized..... Posted by Hello

Sweet-ed <3
9:11 AM

my HUGE walking DORAEMON Posted by Hello

Sweet-ed <3
9:11 AM

Friday, April 01, 2005

everYthiNg haS been fiNally settLed.....wHere everyOne goEs....everythiNg like that...except for1 perSon (haha :) ) hE stiLL thiNkiNG : )

iT's nOt eaSy for a pErsOn to staY happIe and StrOng at suCh momEntS...


(i) 80% of ur secondary friEnds have Moved to a differeNt schOOL froM U

(ii) u reaLise thAt u haV to waLk aLonE frOm hoMe tO schOOl and viCe verSa

(iii) whEn one or 2 JC peopLe/classmates annOy U aNd u suddEnLy tot How gd sec. friEnds aRe

(iv) wHen u haV to wAlk aLone to jOin ur frieNds wHo coUld be stuDying in anOther Place

(v) wHen u sTart to Miss Ya SecoNdary SchOOL liFe likE counCil, interAct, ur class...

(vi) wHen U reAlise thAt Life aHEad of U will be basiCally stuDies and moRe of iT...

(vii) whEn therE is No oNe to ShaRe ya ImmediAte woEs with U and TeL U not to Be upSet...

BuT...I Noe I musT be StrOng...anD stAe HappY...
Cox i NeeD to be whAt iS Me....aNd noT juX beCome a depRessed BoyX... : )
I neeD to LivE On...to get My cerT...to fufiLL my DreAmS

so whAt now?......
LuckiLy, i still haVe My frIends giving me assuRaNce that I will nOt bE alONe andwith the 20% whO is thEre tO eat wif me in the canTeen..hahaX....anD tat 80% who saE u wiLL rememBer Me.....hAhAx....aND somE realli niCe JC friEnds whO realli are Gd... : )

BuT i neeD tiMe to Adjust.....buT it's apRiL.....yA....trYing

downLoadIng adaptabiliTy.....(49.9999%)

smile always
: )

Sweet-ed <3
10:54 PM