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Saturday, March 26, 2005

tiMe has finally floWn to the End of MarCh...wow...wat a Term has JuX left uS...

I aM rathEr *CoMpLicaTed* now....

BeCauSe i Noe frOm Monday OnwArds..realli awaitng foR me is a streNuouS streTch of 1 yr 9 mths of JC life...hMmx...i am trYing my Best to Be OptimiStiC anD hapPiE...bUt iT is Not easZi...firstLy, moSt of My frIeNds arE not arOund Me....at tHis branD new Place...reality Can realli be cRueL and reAl...veri coLd....hmmX...JC stuDy is nOt Easy....i Noe IT...be it Ani subJect...bUt i am tryIng to adapT...tryIng to gO hoMe eaRli...tO stuDy...jUX hopIng Not to Get a regreTfuL reSult in thE enD...likE my O's....friEnds...Ya....i Hav 'eM....aNd waT i neeD in Jc is not a grp But juX 2 to 3 realli gooD studiouS and happY goiNg friEndS....i don'T wiSh to be InvolveD iN CounciL aniMore...anD evEn iF i haV a CCA...eitheR Low ProfiLe...oR juSt a smAll fry of poSt wilL dO...stuDy and lessOns...jUX pass theM and Do My BesT.....tat'S my PriOR....buT how bOring wouLd life bE....bUt tat iS waT i plaN....thaNkfully, i hav a grp of grEat frienDs surrounding Me ......thankfullY.....theY noE who deY are... : )

**juX another 48 hrs later....befoRe i meeT my 4th chApter**
Am i readY???
i reallI don NoE...: (

---aniWae....i haD fun thiS weeK aS the pRime evenT was LL's bdae!! thiNk she was quite happie with Some delightful surprises shE got froM soMe PPl ....hahaX....and her WinniE the PooH big Bear....hAhaX....i toT a doraeMon big siZe...would be cuTerx though....hmmX mabi tAt shouLd be my wiSh List....oNe whicH is as biG as 1/2 of Me...i wouLd be damN toucheD....buT theN....i wOuLdn'T nOE hoW imporTant my friEnd takE me leX...hahaX....(wat a contradiction)....coX it iS likE a biT weiRd...tOO big fOr words....buT having tat would be cuTe too!
enUff of my craPs...


Ya, deN 8 of us stayed overnite....hahaX....deN play tennis (PS2) and craSh hahaX...hAd a lOng tiMe juX to wiN tat monSter....deN in the mornIng den Mervy did it within 1 rounD lolx....goSh...should have woKeN hiM uP....heeX : )...deN we weNt to 3 am ++ to eat PraTa.......hahaX....niCe eXperienCe...anD the PraTa was NicE LorX....hahaX...@ baLestiEr de lei...eTh was rather Nice...thoUGh there were sOme moments wherE we couLdn't fiND anitinK to talk abt...slAcking is interestinG....hahaX>..but hEr b'dae is realli not bad oredi lo...hahaX.....rate??? 7/10 i hOpe shE feeLs beTter Now tOo...

i noe soMe ppL are curiOus abT whO I Like.....BuT sinCereLy i doN't hAve...anD eveN if i haV...i aM in No poSitIon to...hahaX... : )

oKie....dere goeS....for my bLog...
to every1...
gd luckS to UR....neW liFe....
take Care

Sweet-ed <3
10:58 PM

Sunday, March 20, 2005

friday to suNdae....as i saiD...i wOuLd givE u an upDatE oF my HoLs...

hahaX...hoW has It bEEn?

friDay....hMmx...wherE wAs i? I almost foRgOt..hahaX...oH yUp...hMmX we WenT to k bOX with WY, MW and JC...hahAx...quite FUN though singing herE and Dere...I sounded BAD...hahaX...but tat is wat KBOX is foR mahX...hahaX....DeN afTer tat we WenT to the BadMiNton coUrt anD saw Mervy deY all Plus Alvin anD liLing....and manI otherS...liling quite wEird..caN see shE is uPset over Sth...dOn't Noe Wat..anD also VexeD abt sTh...guEss it is erM...anD frIenDs la...hoPe She is OkiE? doN nOe lA...

DeN it WenT off to satuRdAy..whIch wAs yesTerday...it was a REALLI SIMPLE AND NICE CCA GATHERING...had Sandy Loretta and mervY initially deN we weNt to eAt (Though i didn't eat coX had earli lunch with my mum and AuNT at buGis..weNt to TemPLe...) dEn after tat waiTed for YL and SL...and Den we weNt to BOWLING after a long hesitation of 30 to 45 mins and discussiOn ....hahaX...always wat we did..standing at r.r and doing nth...dEn we wenT dere tO play (marIna) coX $1 onli! hahaX per game lei...den i played 2 onli..so $2 coX a lot of ppl 6 ppl had to shAre one lane...hAd quite a gd Chat wif my SeniOr...veri friendly wahId and alsO with the Rest..deN Loretta And SL left, leaving the rest of us to mAc....i couLd not eAt...hahaX...but talKing was enuFf le...deN took MRT....talked a lot of craps and some INTERACT stuffs not bad actualli...

SUNDAE...which is todae...is JUST A REST DAY!!!

with that, i end todae simply!

smile always
(PS: school posting 22nd Feb....8 am hoh! )
: )

Sweet-ed <3
9:05 PM

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Well, March hoLidaYs....hAs marchEd on the the 4th dAy anD hoW has It beeN foR Me?


On the veri first Sundae, we had a class OutIng out to SenToSa anD haD fuN playIng voLLey Ball evEn though My SkiLLs werE totAlly noT evEn considered a bEginnEr...i guEss it wAs the pRocess thAt matterEd....not Realli hOw well Each of Us haD played...den theY went KayakinG whiCh i couldn't...cOX i diDn't briNg exTra ClothiNg....: ( sadLy..ha...afTerwhich, we had somE chaT here anD derE..lolx...and HY actuAlli his handphone wEnt inTo the waTers...woNder how is it LeX...hOpefully it is fineX lo....anD he is Fine too!

DeN i had A MondAy break w/O doing anItink in pArticuLar...JUx resting @ hoMe...watcHing tV....Hahx...and the TV programme Is realli pathetically boRing...all aRe repeats lolx..

WeDnesday weNt betteR foR me...coX i weNt out with alvin and miNGwei foR lunCh....@ "Lao Di Fang" hahaX...whIch the 10 of us would norMalli eat at...deN saw LiLing derE too with Her aUnt...surprisingly....hahaX...DeN we Went to swEsenS for the $3 dessert! ( I Sound so CheapSkate hoh) but this is the OnlI time I can gO intO such PlacEs....hahaX : ) I ordered topLess 5 though iT was noT bad, but it Was a bIt too MuCh...hahAx...

TodaE is thurSday...anD don'T thiNk i don hav ani ProgramEs...CoX....i aM barred anD disallOwed from MovIng Out....ActuALLi had a CT outiNG....buT no $...sO cannOT go....
Not oNli tat initiailly i haD a cLuster cAmp @ my foRmer beAtty SecondarY schOOL buT mY muM sAe i shOuldn't be goINg to such pLaces to e a busYbodY....anD i realli feeL so guilty to mani of my frIends whO are aLso dEre....cOx they alSo went earLi at 8 am lo...hOw couLd i bE ...? NvM...thiNgs aRe oVer...aNd i aM gLad they UnderStanD thOugh....thouGh i Noe sOme might tiNk my ReasOns are Too OvErBoarD.. : (

WHat abT my Programmes On fRiday to SunDae??
HahaX...giVe u moRe updateS on MY NEXT BLOG...

till thEn,
SmiLe AlwaYs

Sweet-ed <3
1:45 PM

Thursday, March 10, 2005

well, I have finalli peaced down from O levels and finally accepted my fate. (Though still a bit unhappy abt my english..)

What I am going to sAe on my BLOG todae?..


hahaX...(suddenly just feel like doin' so)

Let me first talk abt my JC friends...well i have been with my CT class for almost 3 mths...and I veri glad that even though the class has onli 3 boys (including me) and 12 girls...but they are realli friendly ppl...even though I was the onli Beattyian in my class. But, the kinda of feeling and friendship that u get is totally different from ya secoNdari schoOL life..it iS juX not as Close....oR mabi thiS is my Own PyscHoLogicaL thiNkinG...? BuT, anyway, realli thanKs a lot to all my new JC friends...

Moving On back to seCondary scHooL friEnDs...

JC 1st 3 mths separated mani of us into bits and pieces...and now we do hope that all of us will geT into the SaMe JC..bUt, thaT is JuX noT as uRgeNt...

I am suppose to be mentioning abt how is my s.s friendship in 1st 3 mths...I totalli didn't noe mantaining frienDship coULd be eveR a diffiCult tasK...it is Not easZi...coX we haD to trY ouR best tO mEEt up in weeKenDs and tImeS wheN we are frEE...weLL, unfortunateli, the grp of us till now...still had not a full OUTING with a full attendance...tat's realli a bit... S*A*D...: (
daYs and daYS juSt pass by anD now We are MovIng on to the MARCH hoLidAyS...hahaX...finalli a 1 wk brEak...but FOR THIS MOMENT, i feel quite uncomFortable...truly speAking...

HavE u ever EncounTered suCh inciDenTs???

1) wHeN u want to accompany ya secondary sch friend to walk him/her to school and ur JC friend saying that u aRe nOt gD perSon?

2) wHen u call mani ppL anD in thE enD no One get Back to U?

3) wHen u need soMe1 to talk tO buT no oNe is oNliNe?

4) wHen U jusT waNt to caLL a frIend buT he or She doeS not piCk up The phonE?

5) whEn u waNt to be happIe, but U juX keeP feeling DuLL becOx of anitiNk??

I eXperienced all the 5 symptoms todae....

Smile AlwAys
: )

Sweet-ed <3
3:10 PM

Saturday, March 05, 2005

GeTting A bRand neW stArt is NeveR easY...AnD yeT i Am GoiNG to Get One BRAND NEW ME...

NOT IMAGE...jUSt to Be A bEttEr Me..frOm ToDae OnWArdS...

It iS diffiCult...As i want to forget and Delete my Bad meMorieS...my resuLts, my seCrets, my eveRyThiNg...tO bE a frEE and haPPy Me...To MovE On...

Let ThiS bE dAY 1....

Aniwae..Day 1 went off smoothly with the grp of us watchIng...

Lemony Snicket's Show...I thought it was not baD....i would give it 3 1/2 stArts...Mabi bCoX A lot Of inciDents frOm the ActuAl book waS cUt wHen thE moVie pLayed...bUt it was deFinitely hUmoroUs anD unfortuNate at SomE signifiCant SceNeS...

ThIs is My DAY 1...
Wat's urS??

SmilE aLwaYs
(Day 1)
YX :)

Sweet-ed <3
7:03 AM

Thursday, March 03, 2005

well...it seEm thaT i hAv not blog for quite lonG...mabi too upset to blog...hahaX...

Well, O levels is finally out...did i DO well?


Well, i didn't manage to get any A1's (except for last yr CL) and i had 4 A2's....if u think that is good, u are wrong. I had 2 C5's and a B3 which I was quite happy Cox i finally got B3 for my CHEMISTRY that i really worked hard for... :)

However, my L1r5 manage to let me stae in NYJC...but I am realli hestiating whether I should go NIE...but my friend sae it is too earli and salary is not high...but that is not the pt...MY INTEREST is in Chinese...i wan to take HCL in NIE...(though NYJC) also got....buT i doN noe wHy...mabi I am eager to start off with my ambition of a teachEr...

Anyway, as everyone thought O levels had just left us with the 21 scholars...has it realli endeD??finally endEd?...

maBi not...for our schOoL...

With onli 73.8% passes for English, we seem to have broke the record for having the lowest pass in English. Other schools also have such weird conditions and we realise that it is realli odd. Imagine someone who got A1 for prelim to get D7....difficult to imagine that right? I got a C6..and I do hope that they will re look into this paper cause i realli don' think i did so badly (though i know we shld not dwell on it anymore)...but why must we be the some schools that suffer from such stuffs? PSLE also like that..so problematic...now O levels still got problems...everywhere are problems! some who could haven been B's and now fail cannot go into JC directly.....And if investigation takes place and something in the marking realli went wrong...how unFair is it for the student who has cried for nothing and cannot cont'd a bright future?....

Till what have i heard...my sch has been planning tO send our sch EL paper to the marKerS...is it TruE? hopefully our appeal will be successful.....: )

Smile Always

Sweet-ed <3
8:14 AM