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Saturday, January 29, 2005

well..this is the 5th wk of sch terM for terM 1...

how has life been for me?

Fortunately, everything is going well and fineX...my CT friends are nice to me....and they are realli not bad...

ErN..this week is realli tiring foR ~ME~....not physically tiRed, but emotioNally i am getting tiRed...Lectures and Tutorials are okIe, but i realli cannot imagine myself going home right after that, and sleep and eat...w/o going out wif my friends for almost a week...how magical can the power of friends be! hahaX...bUt it is realli upsetting wheN i get to see all of great frienDs having diffeRent time tables and chances are like time To meet is so little or even rAre...foR some, i might not hav met them for 2 wks le....i don't mean my JC friends are no good...they are very Kind and realli a gd grp to make friEnds wif...but as we all knoW, secOndary frIends are reAlli diFFicult to foRget and theY plaY an imporTant roLe in bEing pArt of ur 4 yrs oF liFe...
at leasT, i goT to meet alVin anD rAchel thiS wk and we tAlked lotza of CrAps..and i was realli thankfUl to see 'em agAin...

tiMe is realli goiNG fast (i duNNo whether it is good oR not) buT at leAst, not so Draggy aniMore...i am getting to adapt to JC life but definitely nOt somE of the arroGant ppL deRe who arE always thInking thAt they Are so SmaRt....hahaX....well, like what Mr Amos say, you will get to face the world's reality sooN and i guEss thiS is jUX the beginNing....seconDary life coulD have been ur last tIme wherE u dOn't have to boTher aboUt so mUch on reality...Once u step into JC, U finD that reAlity takEs plAce and everYthing is Not easy...U have to knOw hoW to socialise and at the Same timE, sTudy, pLay, anD get into iT...it is noT easZi realli, and i can't admit it lolx...

well, rigHt now, juX 4 wkS befoRe O level's is gonna be ouT, i sTill hav not deCided my route...Poly? JC? or even NIE? hahaX....at this moment no idea...feeLing realli enouGh....i wanted to give up the 1st 3 mths initially buT i told myself to complete it...and mabi it will tuRn for the betteR (it has already actually) buT..not as gd as Of yeT....hahaX..(contradiction again...)

sO( for thoSe who Know me in ur secoNdary life, i will Nvr forget U de...hahaX :)

Smile alwayS...

Sweet-ed <3
3:41 PM

Monday, January 24, 2005

hahaX....whaT a week has passed agaIn! this is the 3rd wk of school term, where all my tutorials and lectures started...a moRe showN "JC life" is noW reflecTed anD well, seriOusly speAking, it is reaLLi quite OrganIzed...in such a way thAt things are realli sYstemaTic..hoWever, it is defintely a totally different pace compared to secOndary schOOL life.. whiCh i miSs...(but must look forward to the future :)

Well, my time table was out and latest day was 310 pm and earliest is 110! I was quite glad about it coX' at least I could spend more time @ homE or withe FrieNds...heeX...

fElt quite Sorree thiS wk, didn't attEnd mani ouTings...for sOMe perSonaL reasONs...hahaX...If u were to ask Me whether I hav made any JC frieNds thru' this wks, well, mabi onli a few from my OG and a few from my class...here i mean friends which i realli regard as "frieNds"...hahaX

If i am suppose to reflect my thoughts for this week, I onli can saE that it is a "DECISIVE" period...for me whether to choose poly or JC...HmmX, i realli feel that JC's life is actualli quite pressurizing though it is not getting of any as yet...but U can expect tat to haPPen...though some lessons are still goinG at a sTeadY pace, bUt u wiLL stiLL feeL the "unappearing sTress" somewhAt...fuRthermorE, projEct worK and ActiviTies have CamE out...all qUite informaL though but u see, this is Jux the 1st 3 mths, it is impossible for 'em to stress us out now or we would leave...! hahaX..thOugh theRe are timeS for bReak, it jUX give me a continuation of secondary schOOL life--one whicH is muCh tougheR and muCh moRe heCtiC..(though not now)...as for a Polytechnic, whEn i looked through the environment, my first impRession was thAt iT is reAlli Flexible aNd i meAn everythinG is "free"- "free" in the sense that restrictionS arE lessEr and CREATIVITY EXPOSURE is entirely yourS...and frIends deRe...well, much Friendlier...(hahaX) not too sure, but at least theiR faces teLL me thAt..But, iS dere any conFirmaTion that I will geT intO UNIVERSITY after POLY? chancEs are sliM and whAt i wannA bE is A teacHer...JC route will be an easier ClimB...but righT now, my ~heaRt~ seems to moVe biTs towardS poly (or is it a prediction that i won't do well for O's? ) :( duNNo, buT i Know at thiS pt in tIme, i aM eveN moRe ConFuSeD..... :)

O levels' reSults goNna be Out Soon in februaRy.....nerVous, anXious, friGhten and eveN scaRy...aLL words of Anxeity and FeAr....whAt if i did BADLY? weLL, at this pt in timE, nth...nth can be confiRmeD...and Onli gOd knowS...who is going to do well and bad...eth seems FATED...you can't escape from fate, truely....by the time i come up foR my neXt blog, iT would be a nearer draw tO thE release of reSults? 3 wks later? hahaX...nO ideA...enJoyX life Now!

May all of Us do WeLL... : )
Smile always..

Sweet-ed <3
12:02 AM

Sunday, January 16, 2005


2nd weeK leZ...started all lectures..No tutorials yet as far...but life is at least...IMPROVING....for me! : ) (not steadily) This week realli gave me a great tot in whether after the first 3 mths, i will go into Poly or JC....Lectures i thought will still okie, however the free break time was rather "too much" as u were realli hav nth to do lolx..PE is the worse for me..running 8 rounds + unlimited push ups + 20 sit ups + 6 pull ups which out of it i onie can do 2 pathetic ones which are not even standard...well, don't laugh at my weakness, coX at this pt in tiMe, no one realli will mock at u as everyone is at the same situation depsite their abilities lolx...

SooN, life went up for the 1 wk and on a friday, I went back during late afternoon to my Secondary CCA orientation, well i thought it would be veri normal but to my surprise, I had a veri wonderful chat wif some of my classmates like ps, ps (2), clement and friends like hm, bc, wn, and all my CCA friends!! and also with Mr Amos too.....i thought it was realli a nice chat.

wELL, it is going to be veri soon that i will get my permanent time table for the 1st 3 months and I will share 'em thru my blog how bad it goes soon...hahaX :) (so pessimistix rite?)hahaX....


Sweet-ed <3
10:19 PM

Saturday, January 08, 2005

well.....the day i typed this blog would be the wk tat rounds up the veri 1st week of 2005....isn't time fast?? Well, 3/1 is definitely a memoriable day for me....it doesn't mean tat this day is good, it just marks well...the first day of school on the "13 yeArs" : )

Maybe some things are realli true baX....my sister told me it is not eaZi to know JC friends cos there are allo sorts of ppl who are from differeNt sChools, be it a single-sex school or mixed schools and indeed such ppl hav difFerEnt thiNkinGs (i GueSS)....sO, tat was there, the 1st day of my JC life went through a rather BORING orientation....mabi it was not boring actualli, mabi jUx not used to all the secondary friends not wif me.....as I sung the national anthem, I tot of BEATTY....hahaX sounds stopit rite....anD trust me, U will definitely miss ur former school and the sensation is so strOng, u feel so uncomfortable...after a few days, i got used to it and tell myself, well no matter wat for the 1st 3 mths, i hav to get used to it....

Thru' the oRientation, my grp of 22, i knew all my OG members but communication was difficult esp. with the guyX...mabi u could say dey will all from boyZ' school, mabi u could say i was reluctant to break the communication barrier, buT i can jux tEll u everything feels So different...on the 6/1, i heard soMe of my good secondary schooL friEnds doinG well in their JC interaction group...Well, i feeL happie FoR them, bUt have they forgotten aBout the OLD ones?....Well, mabi life shld move on **I am Contradicting my thiNking and LogicS** again....
ThinGs went for the bettEr on thurs and fri when i started to talk to theM and weLL we becaMe tat "JuSt frienDs*....i knew one or 2 boys were gd to me lolx...they wanted to help me MiX in...and I realli thanK them but weLL, i aM still adaptiNg....My OGL's were veRi good, they could see I waS feeling aloNe, but they didn't try to make me feel embarrassed, they cont'd to encourage us in playing aS a teAm...and Onie on friDay i felt i was realli finalli a part of OG 6...weLL, tat was good, definitely but tat day, was the last......: ( So , life moveS on as usuaL....

I was damn glad todae when the 10 veri gd sec. friends had to meEt up and at least 7 of us turned up! Well, all of us knew tat secondary friends will still the best afterall and we were definitely glad to gather after 2 wkS.....though 2 wks isn't long, but for a start, not seeing one another who are good friends for 2 wks is not an easy task....Imagine u not seeing ya close girlfriend for 1 wk, I bet u will be crying now... : ) hahaX.....Thumbs up fOr my Sec. FrieNds aniwAe....

SoOn, it's the next Week of STUDIES....back to it again......

May MiraCles and Surprises (HopEfully good Ones) CoMe........ :)

Smile Always!

Sweet-ed <3
10:29 PM

Saturday, January 01, 2005

2005 has arrived!!! :)

-->2004 has passed us and now we are moving on to a brand new year...Well, the year had ended off badly with tsunami, killing at least about 118,000 +++ people and still counting in Asia...It is a real tragedy...

Anyway or any case, the last day of 2004 ended veri meaningful and emotional for me...What do I mean? Well, as the start of the day, I woke up at around 10am and I had rushed to K BOX to celebrate my b'dae wif my friends (3 of them) even though all i had was onie less than 5 Singapore dollars and a US note which well, rather reluctant to use.. Afterwhich, we met up the other 6 friends soon in Orchard and it was time to sing our song for the b'dae gal--JocElyn...we ate the cake called "Chocolate of a Thousand Leaves" and started off talking loads of craps with Alvin Cai going crazi over Selina and cont'd singing the "Hou Niao"... Well, afterwhich, time had already flew to 3:30pm and I knew I had to rush to my grandma's house aS i had promised my mum that I must go and it was really what I wanted to do....coX it had been "N" months ago before I went dere....whAt a surprise! hahaX....We rushed off to take neoprintS and I was quite glad that there were the 10 of us juX like a group, which marks a beautiful end of 2004...I rushed off w/o getting the neoprints from them and took an MRT from Orchard all the way to Tapmines....

Through the route, I thought of mani things, like how long I never went dere le....Well, I felt rather guilty for being so "Bu Xiao"...hahaX...When I reached dere, I saw my grandpa and he said in dialect "Wa, So long never come le...", and it made me felt worse. The onie thing I could do was to smile back though he said in a friendly tone that sentence. Then, it was soon dinner and well, though it was juX prawns and vege, grandma's cooking didn't change at all...it proved to be fabulous! Chatted wif my grandma when the 9pm and 10pm show was going on and talking abt the TV programme...though it weren't too much.We tuned in to Channel U since it was the memoriable day for all Channel U media workers...definitely! It soon move on to 10:30 pm and it was time for me to leave as 2 days later, school was coming up...and it was time for me to kept busy at home to pack and all tat...So, I went in to my grandpa's room, and I think he was rather shocked that I was going to say "BYE"....maybe he tot i was staying overnite...I knew he wanted me to do so...that made me felt like an evil at that time, but he still smiled and told me to come more frequently the next time....I felt pretty emotional at that pt and I thought I could tear...Then I left with my Mum....AnD i do promised to visit them again NEXT weekend if I do have the timE.....and I will...

It was time for countdown yet I was not at all interested...quite boring though...coX' my sis and brother was so bo liao tat they urged me to join them at the countdown at Serangoon CC...i thought it was quite pathetic though....boring....and I think it deserved 1 1/2 starts.....maybe you could say the animation was gd...tat was the onie thing la...


So, now it is 2005......and what is my new wish? Tonnes and tonnes of them but guess I juX have to work harder this YEAR!!!


Sweet-ed <3
4:47 PM